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Hallowe’en Costumes

Students are encouraged to dress up if they choose.  Some rules for costume wearing:

  • No gore or bloody costumes
  • Age-appropriate costumes only
  • Face paint is okay as long as we can tell who you are
  • No masks that cover the whole face
  • No scary clowns
  • No weapons as part of the costume

A Costume Parade will take place in the gym if it is too rainy outside to have it in the hockey arena.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

Don’t forget to bring your carved pumpkin for the Pumpkin Carving Contest which takes place on Hallowe’en, too.  It is sponsored by our David Cameron PAC with prizes for all students who have an entry.  Tables for the display of carved pumpkins will be outside undercover near the portables.  If the weather is really poor, we will have the tables set up in the foyer outside the office.

S.O.A.R. Certificates for October

We have started recognizing students who are displaying the attributes of S.O.A.R. at David Cameron.  We have a bulletin board set up outside the main office with pictures and certificates of those students who have been recognized.

The acronym S.O.A.R. stand for:

  • Being Safe
  • Taking Ownership
  • Showing Acceptance
  • Being Respectful

Students recognized at last Friday’s assembly are:

Wes K. for taking ownership
Wesley S. for being safe
Ellie E. for showing acceptance
James W. for taking ownership
Charlotte B. for always SOARing
Charlee S. for listening and being safe
Carolina E. for always SOARing
Arthur S. for showing acceptance
Linkon M. for being safe

Congratulations to those students.  You help make David Cameron the great school it is!

Photo Retake Day

November 18 is Photo Retake Day.  Mark it on your calendars.


Hello families of amazing David Cameron students! Mr. Borland here again.

It was so great to meet so many of you during our meet the teacher night (my apologies if I was too busy to get talk to you)! Our Winter Celebration of Music is very early this year (Thurs, Dec 1st) so I have posted the class songs as well as the David Cameron Choir songs for students to sing and learn the words here:


I am really looking forward to actually have our first live winter performance since 2019!

Remembrance Day Assembly (Thurs, Nov 10th)– If your son or daughter is in the David Cameron Choir, please remember to have them wear a black shirt for the performance as we Honour our Veterans (poppy stickers will be provided).

Choir meets outside every Thursday at lunch recess and there is still a little time to join before the performances.

Rock Band Update – our amazing principal has offered to lend us her drum kit so we are still looking for 2 electric guitars, 2 guitar amps and a keyboard amp so we can start rockin’ 😊! Any instruments you can lend or donate to the music program are much appreciated (just no accordions)!

Mr. Nicholl and I are really looking forward to this very Musical time of year!


Giles Borland

Music Teacher David Cameron Elementary


Ready for School 2022

Terry Fox Run and Toonies for Terry September 16, 2022

On September 16th, we will be having our annual Terry Fox Run at the school. Students will be running on the school grounds and grade 5 students will have a route in the neighborhood led by Ms. Prette, one of our grade 5 teachers.  We will be gathering after recess at 10:25AM to sing the Terry Fox song led by our music teacher, Mr. Borland.  The run will take place after the singing.

We are also collecting a Toonie for Terry as part of our Marathon of Hope fundraiser.  We are asking students to bring a Toonie this week for this fundraiser if families are able.  Students may hand in the Toonie to their classroom teacher.

If families would like to donate online, please go to the webpage listed below.

David Cameron Fundraising Page:



At David Cameron we expect that our students will S.O.A.R.  This means that students are SAFE, take OWNERSHIP, model ACCEPTANCE and are RESPECTFUL to others.  The shared language of S.O.A.R. is being used in our school community this year.  Families are encouraged to use this shared language, too.

During our assembly on Tuesday afternoon we introduced S.O.A.R. and what it means to SOAR.

Parking Lot and Dropping Off Students

We have 397 students in our school this year so far and parking has, once again, become an issue.  We are asking parents who use the roundabout to drop students off and then leave so that others may use the roundabout to drop their children off.  Please remain in your vehicle when dropping your off child in the morning.  Students are supervised in the morning, so it is not necessary to park and walk your child to their line-up.  Blocking the roundabout causes traffic congestion and in some cases arguments and bad feelings.  We would like to see our parents working together to make the parking lot safe for everyone.

Please note that the parking spots across from the main entrance are for the staff at David Cameron.  We have over 60 staff members and parking spots are needed for them.

Beach Bonding Day

Beach Bonding Day will take place on September 23, which is a Friday.  On the permission slips that have been sent home, it states Thursday, September 23 which is incorrect.  Please note the correction in the date.  This is a fun day for all children, and we would like to send a huge shoutout to our Parent Advisory Council PAC for funding this trip.

Online Consent Portal

Please review your consents for your child in the access link below.

The parent page is where the parent logs in to provide and/or review consents for their children.

The URL for this page is https://consent.sd62.bc.ca

The following consents are available online:

  • GAFE Grades 4 and 5 only (Google G-Suite)
  • Media Release
  • Short (walking) Fieldtrips
  • Internet Access
  • Indigenous Self-Identification

If you have any questions of difficulties with the Consent Portal, please contact the office at 250.474.7621 and speak to Sandra, our awesome secretary.

Tennis Ball Donations

Do you have tennis balls not being used at home?  We will gladly take them off your hands as students love to use them during recess times.  Please send them in with your child or drop them off at the main office.  Any donations will be greatly appreciated!

Rainwear Donations

As we head into the rainy season, we are asking for donations of any rainwear that may not fit your child.  We are looking for a few extras to have at the school in case someone needs a jacket.  Any donations may be dropped off to the main office.




Please see the information below regarding our first week of school, September 6th to 9th.

School Times

September 6   8:45AM to 11:38AM  Students are only in session for half day today.

September 7th to 9th  8:45AM to 2:38PM

Kindergarten Students

Kindergarten students are not in attendance until September 8th for scheduled times.  Letters to new Kindergarten students went out in July.  Please refer to the letter from your child’s Kindergarten teacher for times and information.

Grade 1 to 5 students

Students in grades 1 to 5 will return to their last year’s class until classes are sorted and finalized.

New Students to David Cameron

If your child is new to David Cameron, they will start their day on September 6th in the gymnasium where they will be assigned to a class for the first week.  Hopefully by Friday, September 9th, we will be moving into our classes for the year.

School Supplies

Once we switch classes, teachers will communicate with parents regarding when to bring school supplies to school.

Year Books

Year Books are in and available in the main office.  Come in to pick yours up.  We will have a list of names of those who ordered year books.


Grade 1 Supply List 2022-2023
Grade 2 Supply List 2022-2023
Grade 3 Supply List 2022-2023
Grade 4 Supply List 2022-2023
Grade 5 Supply List 2022-2023
Kindergarten Supply List 2022-2023
Calendar 2022-23 - Final
Colour Calendar 2022-23
School Operation Details - 2022-23 - Letter to Parents

There has been a video created for families to support the understanding of how to access to MyEd BC for Summative Reports.

Here is the link https://youtu.be/Q17DENa2a54

To access the Parent Portal, click on the link below:
