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School Operation Details - 2023-24 - Letter to Parents


Colour Calendar 2023-24


Calendar 2023-24 - FINAL

On behalf of the David Cameron Staff, we would like to thank the PAC for the Staff Appreciation we were welcomed to this morning in the staff room.



Please click on the bottom of the newsletter to get to page 2.

May 5th David Cameron Newsletter

Hello Families of Amazing David Cameron Students,

Our school Music program is keeping very busy!

In addition to all music classes, at lunch recess we have Ukulele Club or Percussion Club(Mondays), David Cameron Choir(Tuesdays), Karaoke Club(Wednesdays), Rock Band DC/DC (Thursdays) and Dance Party (Fridays).

Sooke School District subscribes to the amazing music website https://musicplayonline.com/ .There are many games and hundreds of songs for all age groups to learn music (our student SD62 password is d062635).

Here are the upcoming Music Events at David Cameron:

Tuesday, May 16th (10:20-11:35) – The David Cameron Talent Show – Students are busy practicing their many talents for our first talent show since 2019! More information will be coming soon.

Friday, June 9th (5PM-8PM) – The DC PAC Fun Fair – We are building a stage over the Ga-Ga Ball pit (The Ga-Ga Stage!). We are hoping to make the Fun Fair even more fun by adding many different student performances! Here is roughly what to expect:

Fun Fair Line-Up

5PM – Rock Band DC/DC – We are hoping to perform between 6-8 songs that students have been working on.

6PM – David Cameron Spring Choir – The Choir has been working hard and has 8 songs to sing.

7PM – Karaoke Singing and various other DC Talent Show performancesI will try to make room for students to perform their talents to the end of the Fair 🙂!

Here are links for Rock Band and Choir to Practice at home:



Thank you so much for encouraging your Children in participating in music and music activities. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at gborland@sd62.bc.ca 🙂!



Giles Borland

Music Teacher David Cameron Elementary


This newsletter is two pages long.  Hover over the bottom of the page to read page two and all of the latest news!


A Fundraiser inspired by the words of Osama, a boy, in Ms Taylor-Lee’s Grade 4 Class.

Hi my name is Osama.  I want to do this fundraiser because there was an earthquake in Syria and Turkey.  Lots of people are dying.  They don’t have that much water or food.  I am not happy about that because Syria used to be my favourite country and I love the people there.  I was born in Syria.  I moved here when I was 1 or 2 years old.  My family is still there and some of them are hurt.  I wish Syria and Turkey will be a better place.


Today’s newsletter is 4 pages long so please hover the mouse over the bottom of the page to get to the next page.

March 10th David Cameron Newsletter
Microgreens Fundraiser

There is a change in our schedule for this week’s final Basketball game.

We are scheduled to play tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7th, at Crystal View but the game is changed to THURSDAY, MARCH 9th at Crystal View!

Thank You,

Ms. Guterson and Ms. Whynacht- Your Volunteer Coaching Team.